Front Porch: A rite of passage

Hello Beautiful!

Last week, I hosted my first ever Senior Luncheon and it was absolutely amazing. (Check out my Instagram for highlights.)

Hosting this was a dream come true for me. My calling is to help build up women everywhere, and I especially love watching a young girl rise to her potential. And that’s why I was so excited to honor them during this right of passage, at the cusp when they’re getting ready to step into their life and calling, and helping them do it in style!

P.S. Are you a proud mama or grandma watching your baby graduate from high school? I’d love to see the pics, tag me on Instagram and don’t forget to use the hashtag #LWYA.

LWYA Showcase: Goodie Bags!

Are these gorgeous or what?

Check out the Senior Luncheon Gift bags:

Behind-the-Scenes with Kim

Is Kim a celebrity? That’s the question I was asked, and you might be surprised at my answer. Watch it here.

Catch up: Embracing Vulnerability: Nancy French's Inspiring Journey

I’ve got the phenomenal Nancy French on the show today. She's a five-time best-selling author who worked with me on my book, Collecting Confidence. Now she's written her own powerful memoir, Ghosted, while battling cancer.  

Nancy's laying it all out—how she went from faking it to owning her confidence as she battles cancer and hits the big 5-0. Let me tell you, Nancy's life is like something out of a movie as she recounts some of the most incredible, touching, and hilarious stories from her life. Like the time she lied to Mitt Romney and it almost killed her. Through it all her resilience shines through, proving she's not just surviving but thriving. Get ready for some serious inspiration on The Kim Gravel Show. 

This week in Belle by Kim Gravel